Saturday, January 15, 2011

Russell Simmons on Wealth

There is an inspirational video posted on Yahoo! Finance about how he sees wealth and attracting greater abundance into your life. He seems like a very downstream and spiritual individual, so I think that he can be a great inspiration for students of Abraham and the law of attraction.

Here is a highlight from an article accompanying the video:

"#2 Relentlessly Pursue Your Goals Without Appearing Needy
Simmons’ law of attraction says: 'when you chase things, they will always run from you.' " (link)
Chasing is taking the action journey, going upstream. You are trying to force it into your experience. But "wanted" is always downstream. You want to allow something into your experience, so you want to go downstream.
He explores the spiritual meaning of wealth in his book Super Rich: A Guide to Having it All. Based on his video and the back cover, it seems that he delves into the greater consciousness required to attain wealth. 

                                                   Super Rich: A Guide to Having it All

Monday, January 3, 2011

How to Trust the Law of Attraction

This is really important as we need to trust that the law will work for us in order for it to do so. To fully allow something, we need to see, feel, and know deeply that it will manifest. We need to believe that it will happen. But how do we get there? When we have no experience or any other way of knowing that the law works? We just need to allow. That is all. Let yourself be comfortable and you will get there.