Saturday, November 27, 2010

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance (Sanaya Roman)

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance (Sanaya Roman) 

I read an older edition of this book. It was called "Creating Money: Keys to Abundance". I haven't really thumbed through this edition, but looking through the table of contents, the chapter headings are very similar. I can't imagine that they'd rewrite the whole book, but just update parts as necessary. The original was great. Anyhow, the older edition was great as it was more about the psychology of wealth, what it means, and how it affects us on a spiritual level. Money can represent many things and this book goes at length about the various meanings of money like abundance, well being, etc. It's a great book for clarifying the essence of what you want and making peace with money, understanding the cycle of giving and receiving, the ebb and flow of money.

This book is really about how to deal with money in a spiritual way. It does offer a magnetic coil exercise to attract money, but this technique did not resonate with me. I need to approach manifestation in a way that connects with my soul. And I've found better techniques out there, at least for me. I would just read this book and try it out. It's definitely worth it for the understanding it gives you about the spiritual aspect of money. But if you would like to try some other approaches to manifesting abundance, I would look at Ask & It Is Given and Telementation: Cosmic Feeling and the Law of Attraction. "Ask" is great because it goes at length about the topic of relief and how to manifest things through that. But I feel that "Telementation" really offers a superior approach as it helps you focus on your desires like a laser beam. I do have reviews of both of these books on, so you might want to check them out.